Conservation Education with Special Focus on Chimpanzees in Fragmented Forest Patches in Kibaale District in Uganda

Joseph Serugo

This project aims to enhance the conservation of natural resources with special focus on the endangered chimpanzees outside protected areas in forest patches in Kibaale District.

Staff explains issues at the DAP stand during World Food Day.

Staff explains issues at the DAP stand during World Food Day.

Specifically to raise awareness of local leaders, communities and schools on the importance and global status of the chimpanzees and the measures required to protect them. Information to be disseminated through meetings, seminars, drama and music, educational materials, and radio programmes. Also to include a tour of some community members to sites with developed and successful community conservation initiatives.

The project targets political leaders and senior Civil Servants at District and sub county levels because of their enormous influence on the local population in its interface with natural resources in an effort alleviate rural poverty.

The second category is of the local communities who are mainly subsistence farmers. The project through seminars, radio programmes. Drama and educational materials reaches a wider audience with a variety of conservation messages.

The project also targets school going youths as they form a large percentage of the population.

The outcomes of the project are expected to be as follows:

(i) Change of attitude towards natural resources

(ii) Practical measures taken to conserve and protect natural resources and chimpanzees in particular.

(iii)Identification of sustainable alternative uses of available natural resources for economic and social benefit of the community.

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