Assessment of Lion-Human Conflict and Attitudes of Local Communities towards Conservation of Asiatic Lions in the Agro-Pastoral Landscape Outside Gir Protected Area, Gujarat, India

Meena Venkataraman

The project aims to document magnitude of conflict and attitude of local communities towards lion conservation in different zones in lion habitats in and around Gir PA. Propose future conservation initiatives based on the results of this study including strategies for meta-population management and landscape level initiatives.


Since the declaration of the Gir Sanctuary in 1965, while the lion population has shown a steady upward trend, the size of the Gir Protected Area (PA, 1883 km2) has largely remained the same. This has resulted in the permanent presence of lions in the human dominated landscape outside the PA (Gir Landscape) which is a mixture of agricultural fields, villages and small patches of natural vegetation. Lion presence and movement in the areas outside the PA causes conflict with people, in terms of attacks on humans and livestock depredation and also renders them vulnerable to poaching and accidental deaths.

The study aims to document the magnitude of conflict and the attitude of local people towards lion conservation. The results of this study will make a vital contribution to the conservation planning of this region and will hopefully ensure the continued survival of lions in the landscape.

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