Birds of the Cordoba Hills (Argentina) Study for Conservation and Environment Education

Javier Erman Del Valle Heredia

The activities proposed in this project will increase the knowledge about our species of birds, their relations with the environment, and the effects of human disturbance.



The Córdoba hills, in central Argentina are inhabited by around 270 species of birds, in 48 families, and including 12 endemic sub-species. In order to increase and facilitate the knowledge of the birding fauna of the region, a “Guide of the birds of Cordoba Hills” and other material about birds conservation, will be published.

This guide will have a short description of the typical habitat of each bird, a physical description of both sexes, and in many cases of the juveniles. A short description of the Hills of Cordoba, and an illustrative map showing different habitats, will be included in the beginning of the guide. Birds are the most readily observable form of wild life. Hence they are one of the best instruments for environmental education.

The Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) have a unique nesting population out of the Andean Mountain in the mountains or Hills of Córdoba. Because of their accessibility, these populations become an excellent opportunity to do research on their activities such as feeding, interactions, and territoriality.

In order to evaluate the impact of human activities (tourism) on the Andean Condor feeding behaviour, we are experiment by placing rations of food (carrion) at different distances from hiking trails. We noticed that condors will start to feed 2-3 days after we place the carrion, regardless of distance to hiking paths (still under evaluation)

The workshops in schools are going to be carried out differently in urban and farm areas because the knowledge about birds and nature is dissimilar in different schools. The workshops with the community will take place in the summer of the following year. We will work with children on subjects such as the life birds and their relation with common environmental problems (fires, cattle rearing, urbanization, and introduction of exotics plants) in Cordoba hills.

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