
327 projects

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Diego Gallego García 3 Sep 2024

An Integral Approach to the Conservation of the Endangered Chaco Eagle in Semiarid Habitats of Argentina

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Thamara Fariñas Torres 3 Sep 2024

Gatos Bravos: Conserving the Most Endangered Small Felids in La Rioja, Argentina

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Maria Laura Borsellino 15 Aug 2024

Reducing the Impact of Dogs on Wildlife in Protected Areas of Nor-Patagonia. Multidisciplinary Contributions for Awareness and Collective Actions

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Agustina Di Pauli 23 Jul 2024

Searching for a Ghost: Filling Information Gaps in the Distribution of the Andean Cat in Uspallata, Mendoza, Argentina

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Agustina Murgia 17 Jul 2024

Unveiling the Diversity of Small Mountain Mammals in Northwestern Argentina: a Scientific Exploration and Outreach Journey

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Emiliano Matias 11 Jun 2024

Extensive Livestock De-Intensification: A Collaborative Approach For Biodiversity Recovery In Arid Highlands Of Northwestern Argentina

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Lara Inés Baccaro 24 May 2024

Community-based amphibian diversity conservation in Yungas Biosphere Reserve in NW Argentina

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Maria Candelaria Neyra 21 May 2024

Developing effective conservation tools for Pampas Meadowlark in Argentina

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Vanessa Bustamante 3 May 2024

Alarm vocalizations: Structure, types and anti-predator mechanisms of the howler monkey (Alouatta caraya) in the humid Chaco region of Argentina

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Isis Agostina Danae Ibanez 26 Apr 2024

Basis for Conserving the Santa Fe Frog (Leptodactylus Laticeps) in the South American Great Chaco

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Victorio Maximiliano Rocchi 16 Apr 2024

Awareness Building, population monitoring & threats control in Patagonia, Darwin's frog in Argentina

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M. Lucía Bocelli 12 Mar 2024

Urban Forests as a Support for Biodiversity in the Southern Andes


Rosario Ballester 12 Mar 2024

Protecting the Southern River Otter: Investigating their Distribution and Population Structure, and Promoting Public Awareness

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Andriy Bazylenko 12 Mar 2024

Tree Regeneration in Forest Islets Facing Agriculture Intensification: A Contribution to the Conservation of Threatened Ecosystems in Wet Chaco

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Elín Avellá Machado 1 Mar 2024

Carnivores vs Residents: Estimation of Frequency of Puma (Puma concolor) Predation Events on Livestock in the Most Productive Area of San Juan, Argentina

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Valentín Zárate 27 Feb 2024

Understanding Capuchin Bark Stripping Behaviour: from Conflict to Primate-Friendly Forestry

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Sebastián A. Ballari 23 Feb 2024

Wetland Conservation and the Impact of Invasive Alien Mammals in Northwest Patagonia

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Maria Luz Thomann 6 Feb 2024

The Tapir as a Forest Ecosystem Engineer in the Southern Yungas Forests in Argentina

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Yamil E. Di Blanco 2 Feb 2024

Movement Patterns and Habitat Requirements of Giant Armadillos (Priodontes maximus) in the Chaco Region of Argentina II

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Fernando Duran 16 Jan 2024

Raising Awareness and Alleviating Threats on the Southernmost Vulnerable Tortoise in Patagonia, Argentina

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Lucía Belén Zamora-Nasca 4 Jan 2024

Domestic Dog Interactions with Wildlife in Protected Areas of Argentina

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Brenda Hrvoj Alvarez 3 Jan 2024

Evaluation of the Population Status of Tayassu pecari and Tapirus terrestris and their Interaction with Cattle in Southern Yungas Forest

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Ángeles Fiorella Raffo 3 Jan 2024

Ecological Restoration of Chaco Serrano Forest Invaded by Ligustrum lucidum (Glossy Privet) in Central Argentina

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María del Milagro Torres 7 Dec 2023

Assessing Ecological Consequences of Non-Native Willow Management: Can we Restore Native Riparian Forests and Shrublands from Northwestern Patagonia?

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Laura Alvarez Borla 7 Dec 2023

Factors Affecting the Assemblage of Carnivores (Orden Carnivora) in Northwestern Patagonia, Argentina