Tree Regeneration, Population Structure, and Demographic Patterns of Timber Tree Species in Premontane Forest in North-Western Argentina

19 Nov 2010 Premontane Forest, Argentina, Central and Latin America Forests

Cecilia Blundo

The objective of this research is to identify and analyse the factors influencing tree regeneration, population structure and dynamic, and demographic patterns of timber tree species in Premontane forest that differ in timber use and last logging intervention (old forest, medium-age forest, and young forest).

Secondary forest with high intensity of use in Premontane forest in north-western Argentina

Secondary forest with high intensity of use in Premontane forest in north-western Argentina

Premontane forests (PF) are the lowest vegetation unit (400-800 m) in Yungas Forest (Subtropical Andean forest), in North-western Argentina. PF are one of the most diverse subtropical forests, with about a dozen of timber tree species. Currently, logging is a major activity in these forests. In Argentina, the interest in secondary forest management has increased in recent years, existing laws that protect and subsidize the management of degraded forests. Studies aimed to understand the factors and processes that influence forest structure and dynamic are scarce in the study area. Since 2003 we were working in the study area establishing a network of permanent plots. Currently, there are 20 1-ha plots established in secondary PF with different use and last year of intervention, where all trees ≥10 cm diameter were identified, marked and measured. Re-measurement of these plots will generate pioneer information about regeneration, growth and mortality of tree species. This kind of information, particularly for timber tree species, could contribute to design and implement management plans for enhancing productivity of degraded forest and promote native forest conservation.

Seedling of Cedrela balansae, a principal timber tree specie in Premontane forest in north-western Argentina.

Seedling of Cedrela balansae, a principal timber tree specie in Premontane forest in north-western Argentina.

The aim of this research will be to identify and analyse the factors influencing population dynamic and structure, demographic patterns, and regeneration of timber tree species in Premontane Forest that differ in timber use and last logging intervention. Specifically, I propose:

(1) to analyse population structure (e.g., tree density, age structure, basal area, biomass) and demographic patterns (recruitment, growth and mortality) of timber tree species in 20 1-ha permanent plots.

(2) to evaluate seedling trees recruitment (individuals ≥1 cm and < 10 cm diameter).

(3) to identify environmental factors (light availability and soil characteristic) that influencing timber tree species regeneration, and population structure and dynamic. Results will be directly transferred to key institutions and people involved in policy development and implementation.

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