Assessing the Extent of Sea Turtle and Marine Mammal Bycatch in Small Scale Fisheries and Developing a Conservation Strategy along the Northern Arabian Sea Coast

Swapnil Surendra Tandel

Fisheries in India is a major economic activity and supports the livelihood of millions of people directly and indirectly. Increasing fisheries vessels is likely to increase impacts on endangered and protected species such as sharks, sea turtles and marine mammals along the Arabian Sea coast of India. In this project, we will conduct surveys to assess the nature and extent of sea turtle and marine mammals that incidentally interact or are captured in small scale fisheries off the Maharashtra coast. Coastal community perception, cultural and socio-economic importance of bycaught species will be analysed to formulate conservation strategies with stakeholder involvement.

Turtle Stranding inspection.

Turtle Stranding inspection.

Recently there has been a surge in strandings of turtle and mammal carcass washing ashore along the Arabian Sea’s coastal states of India especially in Maharashtra. No solid reasons are being ascertained for these deaths/stranding and only assumptions available, with most pointing towards fisheries or vessel collisions.

With this project, I will conduct surveys in small scale fisheries sector of Maharashtra to understand the intensity and magnitude of threat from fisheries interactions on marine mammals and turtles, identify/mapping major turtle/ marine mammal bycatch regions in the state, species wise occurrence, seasonal pattern and diversity. This study will also bring out fisher’s perception towards conservation, bycatch issues, and fisheries management.

Data obtained from this survey will support in bycatch estimation based on effort. It is anticipated that the results from the study will be used to develop strategies to continue data collection efforts, mitigate seasonal, gear wise bycatch/ accidental mortality, and create awareness about ocean health and protection and ultimately enable government agencies to produce and implement conservation plans that protect marine species with due recognition and integration of socio-economic concerns. The work will also support the development of the National Plan of Action (NPOA) for turtles and marine mammals.

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