Bats of Royal Manas National Park; its Diversity, Ecology and Social Perspectives

16 Aug 2016 Royal Manas National Park, Bhutan, Indian Sub-continent Bats | Mammals

Gyem Tshewang

Aims are to explore diversity and distribution of bats in RMNP and strengthen the relationship between Society and Bats conservation.

Rhinolophous spp.

Rhinolophous spp.

WWF (2015) reported that, research within the country (Bhutan) has been focusing on much charismatic and popular species of plants and animals, which makes larger research gap in terms of smaller plants and animals. Such causes large mammals question in the conservation achievements of the country. The country is simultaneously lacking trained manpower to advocate this forgotten among policy decision makers. Several bat species in the region are encoded as ‘Data Deficien’ fauna. Moreover, with the rapid developmental activities, it is for certain that many caves and habitats of bat were disturbed. However, with the lack of studies and project carried on bats, it is difficult to convenience the government and society on conservation of bats.

This project on “Bats of Royal Manas National Park” is first attempt in the country to study about bats and its conservation with proper scientific methods. With the aim to explore the diversity and distribution of bats, and to link the communities in bats conservation activities, this project will have a full document on diversity and distributions of bats habitat in RMNP. It will identify the factors affecting the bats and its conservation strategies. Since majority of the premier bat habitats are housed in holy places of worship, it is imperative to include and strengthen relationship between society and bats.

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