23 Jan 2012 Sumbawa Besar, Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, Asia Marine | Education | Corals
Environmental Journalism Training: A Means to Raise Youth Awareness about Coral Reefs Conservation in Sumbawa Island
Youth-Based Coral Nursery for Future Rehabilitation in Sumbawa Island, Indonesia
Strengthening the Management of Youth-Based Environmental Education Center in Labuhan Bajo Village, Sumbawa District, Indonesia
This project aims to raise the awareness of wider fishers community and to develop an action plan for coral reef conservation in Sumbawa Island, Indonesia.
The articles produced by 20 young people participating in previous project (1st RSG funded) revealed various aspects causing coral reef degradation and its impact on fishers family’s lives such as low education, malnutrition, and unemployment. Developing a conservation action plan is therefore important. But given the nature of ocean as common pool resources in Sumbawa Island, it is essential to have the community’s and government’s support in coral reef conservation. To gain their supports, they need to be aware of the importance of coral reef conservation for the sake of the biodiversity and people’s livelihood. Therefore, we would like to raise fishers communities’ knowledge and awareness and draw government agencies’ attention towards conservation issues through documentary films visualizing the state of coral reefs along the north coast of Sumbawa Island, the causes of coral reef degradation, its impacts on youth’s lives, and introduce various conservation initiatives. The raised knowledge and awareness of the government and fishers communities will hopefully contribute to the conservation action plan developed by the youth through this project so that the action plan can gain their supports and be successful in the long run.
Making Documentary Film about Coral Reef State.
The objectives of this project are to:
(1) analyze coral reef degradation causes and impacts on youth’s lives
(2) produce documentary films visualizing the causes of coral reef degradation and its impacts on youth coming from fishers community,
(3) raise the awareness and knowledge of fisher communities about the importance of coral reef conservation through documentary films produced,
(4) develop an action plan and consult the community and the government to gain their feedback about the conservation strategies proposed by the youth.
To measure fishers’ awareness, interviews will be conducted to 25 fishers which will be purposively selected to represent geographic region in the coastal communities in this project. Interviews will be conducted twice for each respondent. The first interview will be done as a part of the film making. The second interview will be done after the project. Their answers will be analyzed using the content analysis to see if their awareness have increased or not. To measure wider fishers community awareness, a set of questionnaire will be given prior and after watching the movies. Their answers will be coded ad scored. Their answers before and after watching the movies will be analyzed using the Wilcoxon Sign Paired Test to test if there is significant differences in their awareness before and after the project.