Native Forests, Wildlife and Water in Central Argentina: Fostering Public Ecological Understanding and Forest Restoration II

19 May 2011 Mountains of Central Argentina, Argentina, Central and Latin America Forests

Daniel Renison

Other projects

12 Sep 2002

Restoration of Polylepis Mountain Woodlands in the Sierras Grandes of Cordoba, Argentina

14 Dec 2006

Restoration of Polylepis Mountain Woodlands in the High Córdoba Mountains, Argentina

4 Jun 2009

Native Forests, Wildlife and Water in Central Argentina: Fostering Public Ecological Understanding and Forest Restoration I

The aim of the project is to continue to contribute to the restoration of native mountain forests by fostering public ecological understanding.


Present day Mountain forests of Central Argentina occupy less than 5 % of their previous extension and in some areas they are 90% non-native species. I aim to contribute to the restoration of native mountain forests, wildlife, water resources and other valuable ecosystem services, by fostering public ecological understanding through conferences and educational material, promoting volunteer participation in forest restoration, promoting the growth of local NGOs and organizing workshops to better integrate the unique, highly specialized knowledge of scientists and members of governmental and non-governmental organizations. I thus expect to achieve a critical mass of well informed conservation activists. The heart of our activities consists in grouping people together to do volunteer work while discussing future projects and activities. We have forest restoration projects in far of mountains where the main problem is soil erosion due to a combination of harsh climate and livestock rearing, in highly visited tourist areas where trampling and invasion by non-native species are the main concern, and at the campus of the National University in Córdoba city where the main concerns are trampling by thousands of commuters and conflicting interest with the construction of roads, buildings and other uses.


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