
99 projects

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Alejandro Danilo Venegas Gonzalez 17 Nov 2014

What Can Reveal the Tree Rings of Nothofagus macrocarpa about the Conservation State of the Mediterranean Deciduous Forest of Central Chile?

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Rocio Álvarez Varas 29 Sep 2014

Research and Conservation at the Southernmost Foraging Site for Black Sea Turtles (Chelonia mydas agassizii) in the South Eastern Pacific

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Andrés Cristian Valenzuela Sánchez 5 Sep 2014

Is Chytridiomicosis a Threat to the Mouth-Brooding Darwin’s Frog (Rhinoderma darwinii)? : A Disease Risk Assessment.

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Pablo Cesar Guerrero Martin 30 Apr 2014

Demographic Dynamics of a Critically Endangered Cacti: Eriosyce chilensis

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Ramiro Daniel Crego 12 Mar 2014

Predatory Impacts and Variables Determining the Spatiotemporal Occupancy of the Invasive American Mink (Neovison vison) on a Pristine Island in Southern Chile

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Luciano Hiriart-Bertrand 28 Feb 2014

Using Scientific-Based Approaches to Promote the Establishment of a Marine Protected Area for Threatened Humboldt and Magellanic Penguins in Southern Chile

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Francisco E. Fonturbel 16 Jan 2014

Tracking the Monito del Monte (Dromiciops gliroides) on Native and Transformed Habitats: Consequences for Seed Dispersal

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Dario Alejandro Moreira Arce 31 Oct 2013

Identifying Key Habitats for the Conservation of Critically Endangered Darwin's Fox in a Human-Dominated Landscape

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Mauricio Seguel 14 Jun 2013

Invasive Species at Guafo Island: Parasitic Diversity, Density and Distribution

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Cecilia Smith 25 Feb 2013

Propagation of Native Ferns for the Restoration of the Threatened Forests of Juan Fernandez Archipelago, Chile

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Antonia Barreau Daly 19 Dec 2012

Revitalising Biocultural Diversity and Plant Conservation through Traditional Food Systems in the Andean Temperate Forests, Chile

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Fernando Díaz Segovia 17 Dec 2012

Diademed Sandpiper-Plover (Phegornis mitchellii): Conservation and Research of a Rare Andean Shorebird in Central Chile I

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Rene Reyes Gallardo 9 Nov 2012

Fuelwood and Forest Degradation in the Chilean Temperate Rainforests

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Ricardo Andrés Sarmiento Devia 8 Nov 2012

Building Regional Knowledge of Understudied Sea-Turtle Populations: Associated with the Humboldt Current

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Lida Marcela Franco Pérez 15 Oct 2012

Dispersal, Population Genetic Differentiation and Kinship of an Ancient Marsupial (Dromiciops gliroides) in a Highly Fragmented Landscape

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Virginia Moreno 8 Oct 2012

Conservation of Endemic and Threatened Amphibians in Fragmented Temperate Forest of the Nahuelbuta Range in Chile

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Rocio Beatriz Urrutia Jalabert 12 Mar 2012

Primary Productivity in Endangered Fitzroya cupressoides Forests in Chile, its Environmental Controls and the Vulnerability of these Forests to Climate Change

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José Tomás Ibarra 28 Nov 2011

Endemic Owls and Woodpeckers from the Temperate Rainforests of South-America: Are they Reliable Indicators of Biodiversity for Sustainable Forest Management

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Dario Alejandro Moreira Arce 28 Nov 2011

Conservation of Critically Endangered Darwin’s Fox in a Human-Dominated and Multi-Competitor Landscape in Central South Chile

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Carlos Zamorano Elgueta 30 Sep 2011

Restoration of Temperate Forests in the Southern Chile: Integrating Ecological and Socioeconomic Variables

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Francisco E. Fonturbel 19 Sep 2011

Effects of Habitat Degradation on the Monito del Monte (Dromiciops gliroides) and its Consequences on the Seed Dispersal Interaction with an Endemic Mistletoe

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Rodrigo S. Rios 17 Jun 2011

Understanding the Consequences of Overgrazing on Arid Plant Communities of Coquimbo, Chile – Assessing Change for Local Conservation and Management Strategies

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Ximena Velez-Zuazo 18 Mar 2011

Genetic Assessment of Commercial Shark Fisheries in the East Pacific to Improve Management and Conservation

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Priscila Belén Escobar Gimpel 15 Feb 2011

Assessment of By-Catch Levels of Small Cetaceans in Isla de Chiloe, Southern Chile

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Andrea P. Loayza 31 Jan 2011

Ecology and Recruitment Dynamics of Myrcianthes Coquimbensis: A Threatened Endemic of the Atacama Coastal Desert