Proposition and Promotion of Wildlife-Conservation Techniques of Census and Observation for the Research on Water Inhabitants of National Park

19 Jul 2011 Zmijiv, Ukraine, Europe Fishes

Gennady Goncharov

The project aims to prevent accidental damaging and death among water organisms in “Gomilshansky lisy” National Park, to create a network of routes and grounds for further scientific monitoring of water inhabitants and to enhance the credibility of the National Park in nature conservation among local community and other natural reserves in Ukraine.

Team training and adoption of censuring techniques.

Team training and adoption of censuring techniques.

For underwater watching and creation of a network for monitoring of water organisms without harm for them we will use the methods of SCUBA diving, transect and point-count underwater survey. The numbers and sizes of each fish species occurring within a visible distance of the transect line or observation ground will be recorded and written on a special sheet.

Siverskiy Donets river within National Park borders.

Siverskiy Donets river within National Park borders.

To enhance an attention to questions of water fauna conservation and to promote our experience we will use the methods of direct communications with local people, visitors and volunteers, publications in local press, placement of recommendations in the annual scientific report.

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