Spatial Distribution and Conservation of Forest Elephants (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) in Southwestern Nigeria

23 Apr 2015 Akure Forest Reserve, Nigeria, Africa Mammals

Tajudeen Okekunle Amusa

Other projects

3 Mar 2010

Participatory Survey and Conservation of Endangered Savannah Elephants of Kamuku and its Environment, Nigeria

16 Apr 2012

Understanding Movement Patterns and Resource Needs of Kamuku Elephants Along Migration Routes in Nigeria

27 Feb 2017

Feeding Pattern, Community Education and Rehabilitation of Conservation Facilities for Forest Elephants in Omo Forest Reserve, Southwestern Nigeria

25 Jun 2019

Strengthening Monitoring Systems for Adaptive Management and Protection of Forest Elephants in Omo Forest Reserve, Southwestern Nigeria

The project aims to identify and conserve key elephant habitats within Southwest Nigeria. It will also raise awareness and capacity of locals and rangers on biodiversity conservation in the area.

Mounting of camera trap along elephant routes at survey sites.

Mounting of camera trap along elephant routes at survey sites.

The forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis Syn. Loxodonta africana cyclotis) is an ecological flagship species with great conservation attention. However, the species population in Nigeria has been declining due to illegal hunting and habitat destruction. The rate of elephant decline in the country cannot be established owing to the insufficiency of available data. The lack of knowledge of the population size and status of forest elephants is a major obstacle in determining appropriate conservation needs and measures in the areas where they occur. Forest elephant still exists in reserves and other protected areas within the rainforest ecological zone of Nigeria.

Ensuring the continued survival of these remaining elephant populations will require up-to-date and accurate information to assist people in management to make strategic decisions for effective conservation. Increased environmental sensitivity and awareness among local communities will also go a long way in conserving key elephant habitats and populations. The project- Spatial distribution and conservation of forest elephants (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) in Southwestern Nigeria will be carried out in reserves and protected areas within the rainforest of Southwest Nigeria. These will include Okomu National Park, Omo Forest Reserve, Shasha Forest Reserve and Oluwa Forest Reserve. Survey will also be extended to Ifon and Akure-Ofosu Forest Reserves where recent reports indicate the likely presence of forest elephants.

Project Updates

19 Apr 2016

Social media video featuring the project.

Elephant trapped on Camera in ONP1 1