Assessing the Threat, Distribution and Conservation of African Rosewood in Akwete Community Forest Benue State Nigeria

Patience Onyeche Adaje

Rising global demand for rosewood has led to a significant increase in the exploitation of African rosewood. The African rosewood (Pterocarpus erinaceous) has been subjected to extensive illicit and unsustainable extraction because of the high demand for its timber for the manufacture of high-end furniture. The tree species is native of the Guineo-Sudanian and Sudano-Sahelian zones where natural stands are under constant pressure. In 2014, Nigeria was the top supplier of rosewood logs in Africa and among the top three in the world while in 2016, West Africa was the largest producers of rosewood logs by volume to China. According to IUCN, it is listed as endangered with a decreasing population trend, and currently the world's most traded tropical hardwood, including other species of rosewood.

Patience Adaje taking vegetation measurement. © Terfa Tyonongo (Field Assistant).

Patience Adaje taking vegetation measurement. © Terfa Tyonongo (Field Assistant).

In Benue State Nigeria, information was scanty on the social, economic aspects and on environmental impacts of the unsustainable exploitation of African rosewood. Akwete community forest is a typical Guinea savanna forest, the community members depend on the forest landscape for their livelihood, tree species such as African rosewood is commonly used for traditional medicine and fodder for animals. Yet the forest landscape is fast depleting through logging, farming activities, and fire. If allowed to continue, natural regeneration of species will not support the rate of harvest, which may lead to the local extinction of the species in Akwete community forest.

Our project aims to protect this valuable resource and other natural resources in the forest, through conservation education, restoration, and document a comprehensive inventory of plants species in the forest for conservation. This project will create awareness on ecological and environmental important of the species in community and schools, emphasizing the threat of overexploitation of the rosewood and other commonly utilized species in the region. We will assess the vegetation composition of the forest landscape, diversity of species and the structure of a forest for species conservation, landscape restoration and ecological significance of Akwete community forest. Also, we will leverage on existing structures by training the community guards to monitor and protect the forest for sustainability.

Header: A view of Akwete Community Forest. © Patience Adaje.

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