Wildflower Conservation Walks in Palestine

Morgan Cooper

Other projects

2 May 2014

Public Access to Conservation Project at Juthour Arboretum: Ecopark in Palestine

This project aims to develop a walking path to ensure greater conservation success of wildflowers and to involve the community in that process.


The project builds our conservation potential and capacity through infrastructure development, namely through our conservation walking circuit constructed last year which will be developed further through clarifying the boundaries of the trails. These pathways which will weave through the terraces will mark plots of areas where plant and flowers must be protected, as well new species propagated. This is important because we have seen particular species (for example, afternoon irises) trampled upon by visitors, and these protected areas are necessary to delineate through the construction of the inner trails to prevent this destruction from happening.

Eco­friendly infrastructure development will engender increased conservation and threatened species protection in our eco­park. It further makes our ramps safer with railings, which decreases the likelihood of visitors disturbing protected species, and it demarcates with green boundaries grown from indigenous plants.

The project involves the community in collecting seeds, propagation, planting and conserving of wildflowers of Palestine through workshops, walks, social media campaigns. There is additionally a cultural component will be the community photo exhibition of wildflower stills at Ramallah’s Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center, with photos captured by parents, children, students, teachers of our community themselves at our Wildflower Walks workshop (after the inner trails are completed). This will emphasize the importance of nature in Palestine’s heritage, the need for its preservation, and the celebration of it. The pillar achievement will be the long term protection of threatened species wildflowers in this case and the propagation of new species.

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