Monitoring Ecological Interactions to Create Awareness of Tropical Ecosystem Conservation

Michelle Ivonne Ramos Robles

Based on complex ecological networks analysis we generate accessible information about the ecological interactions between birds and plant species used by the inhabitants of La Mancha.

Ficus cotinifolia.

Ficus cotinifolia.

In Mexico, the human population maintains a close connection with several protected natural areas, which necessitates environmental education and the implementation of conservation projects linked to society. The general objective of this project is to raise awareness in people about the importance of the interactions between the frugivorous bird community and 10 plants commonly used by the inhabitants of La Mancha in Veracruz, Mexico, through production of a field guide, environmental education workshops and publishing scientific papers. With this study, we hope to promote the conservation of biological interactions in tropical forests, which are key to maintaining diversity in ecosystems.

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