Indigenous Vulture Monitoring Project (IVMP)

26 Nov 2015 Cape Coast, Ghana, Africa Birds | Education

Justus Precious Deikumah

Capacity building to support vulture conservation efforts; public education and monitoring to establish a short-term baseline data on vulture population decline trends and threats in Ghana.


The first phase of the indigenous vulture monitoring project (IVMP phase 1) is aimed at first training local inhabitants across all districts in the Central Region of Ghana. This is to build capacity in the local people with skills in vulture identification and monitoring that will aid our efforts in vulture conservation in Ghana. We aim at creating a nationwide data base on vulture population in Ghana in the short term to ascertain the status of vultures in Ghana. Having trained the local inhabitants we will then engage them in reporting vulture numbers and activities on weekly basis to a central database. They will also help in further awareness creation in their respective districts.

The project will be extended to the remaining nine other regions in Ghana within a period of 12 months. This will yield a nationwide data on vulture population trends and threats facing vultures in Ghana. This will ensure the sustainability of vulture conservation as project participants become ambassadors and can train other members of their community for monitoring vultures. The baseline data from the short-term monitoring project will serve as basis for further investigation into vulture threats that will elicit further conservation interventions. There are plans to extend this project to neighboring West African countries.

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