Conservation of the Endangered Colobus Guereza ssp. Percivali and the Newly Discovered de Brazza’s Monkey Population through Awareness Rising and Communication of Research Findings in Samburu

Iregi Mwenja

Other projects

26 Oct 2006

The Status and Threats to the De Brazza Population in Mathews Range Forest Reserve – Exploring Possible Conservation Interventions

9 May 2008

The Distribution and Conservation Status of the Endangered Mt Uarges Guereza and the de Brazza’s and Sykes’ Monkey in Mathews Range, Leroghi and Ndoto Forests of Samburu

After three years of ground-breaking studies in rare primates in Samburu forests, it is now time to communicate the findings to the local community and raise awareness on the threats these species are facing with the aim of reducing poaching of the Endangered Mt Uarges guereza and enhancing protection of the newly discovered de Brazza’s monkey population.


The four Forests Reserves of the Samburu district namely, Leroghi, Mathews range, Ndoto and Mt Nyiro are some of the least studied forests in Kenya. Studies have shown that they are rich in biodiversity, high in endemism and have relatively stable population of Endangered fauna like elephants, Mt Uarges guereza among others.

To protect this valuable biodiversity, we have been gathering baseline information for three years. It is on the basis of these findings that this project was started. The aim of this current phase is to create awareness (to halt poaching of the Endangered Mt Uarges guereza that has brought it to the brink of extinction), mainstream primates’ conservation in the ongoing conservation efforts in the area and finally promote sustainable alternative livelihood generation for local communities through capacity building for the local community.

Project Activities:

1. Decision makers workshop - the Samburu community elders

In Samburu community, elders are the custodians of the community’s culture and have control over the Samburu society. Any change that affects the culture of the community is sanctioned by the elders hence then need to involve them and win their support;

2. Education outreach – film shows and talks

Films shows have been known to be highly effective in conveying conservation messages in rural areas in Kenya. Six communities and schools in close proximity to key habitats of the endangered Mt Uarges guereza and the newly discovered de Brazza’s monkey have been targeted. These are communities who utilize the resources in these parts of the forest including dry season grazing, honey gathering and herbs collection. They are:

a) Ngare Narok in north eastern Mathews range forest;

b) Ngilai central in central part of Mathews range forest;

c) Wamba valley in southern Mathews range forest;

d) Ang’ata Nanyuki in northern Leroghi forest;

e) Baawa in Maralal on south eastern Leroghi forest;

f) Lodosoit (Ndoinyo Uasin) in northern Mathews range forest.

3. Promotional materials

The promotional materials carry key messages that reach a wider audience over a long time, effective in different target audiences;

4. Key stakeholder workshop

Using legal provisions in the new Forest Act, the local stakeholders will be trained to integrated primate’s conservation in the new regulation that they are developing in their respective CFA – Community Forest Associations e.g. restricting cutting of certain species of trees in key primate habitats.

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