Occupancy and Habitat Preferences of the Secretive and Endangered Banded Ground-Cuckoo (Neomorphus radiolosus) in Northwest Ecuador

6 Feb 2020 Tesoro Escondido Reserve, Ecuador, Central and Latin America Birds

Eliana Montenegro

The Banded Ground-Cuckoo is one of the least known and most endangered bird species from Ecuador. In this project, we want to increase the knowledge of the species to guarantee its conservation in the long term. We will use a standardized camera trap monitoring methodology to estimate bird occupancy and habitat preferences around two private reserves, Canande and Tesoro Escondido located in the Esmeraldas Province, northwest Ecuador. This knowledge will be useful for further conservation actions such as stakeholder engagement, community involvement, and connectivity of protected areas through land purchase.


The Banded-Ground Cuckoo (BGC) is a regional endemic that inhabits restricted territories in remnant primary and secondary lower Chocó rainforests in Ecuador and Colombia, this fact makes this bird an important umbrella species for the protection of one of the world’s most threatened biodiversity hotspots (Dodson & Gentry 1991). As the Banded Ground-Cuckoo is a secretive and elusive species, it needs an appropriate methodology to get more data about its ecology, behavior and habitat preferences. We believe that camera trapping is the most appropriate methodology to study ground-dwelling birds such as the BGC, camera trapping can document the presence of the species and other ecology aspects such as occupancy, density and behavior (O’Brien & Kinniard 2008; Suwanrat et al 2015).

This research will help to provide essential knowledge on the biology of the BGC for future conservation strategies. We will identify key areas for future land purchase and connectivity to ensure the long-term survival of this and other species. This project will also give us information about other rare and poorly known bird species, such as Great Tinamou (Tinamus major), Great Currasow (Crax rubra), Rufous-fronted Wood-quail (Odontophorys erythrops), Brown Wood-rail (Aramides wolfi) and Rufous-crowned Antpitta (Pittasoma rufopileatum). Most of them are in IUCN threatened categories and included in the Red List of birds from Ecuador. The mammal diversity of the study area is not distinct; we expect to record some terrestrial mammals which are in threatened categories too. Mammal records, as well as bird records, are very important to propose future conservation strategies.

Further, we plan to work with local communities to raise awareness about the importance of forests and biodiversity. Ecosystem services are often ignored by local communities. We want to develop environmental awareness activities in the future to guarantee the conservation of the BGC in the long-term.

Project Updates

15 Mar 2022

Social media video featuring the project.

Banded Ground-Cuckoo (Neomorphus radiolosus). Reserva Tesoro Escondido, Esmeraldas, Ecuador.

8 Mar 2022

Social media video featuring the project.

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