Enhancing Conservation of Magombera Forest through Practicing Modern Beekeeping by Adjacent Local Communities

18 Mar 2015 Magombera Forest, Tanzania, Africa Communities | Forests

Anna Mahulu

The aim of the project is to create conservation awareness to local communities surround the Magombera forest reserve, empowering them by the modern bee keeping project from traditional one.

One of the project beehive mounted on tree present at encroached area of  Magombera forest.

One of the project beehive mounted on tree present at encroached area of Magombera forest.

The training will involve 30 local communities, 5 local government leaders and 20 primary school’s students and 20 secondary school’s students. Trainers will involve qualified personnel from, SANALI and district forest and beekeeping officers. The training will involve the field work in the forest and participatory training in class. Through training, the samples of bee hives and other necessary materials for modern bee keeping will be supplied. After the training, local communities will be requested to participate in the field practical. The 50 bee hives will be made in participatory with the local communities and placed in strategic sites.

Restoration initiative:

Through this project, there will be initiative for restoring the degraded area by planting trees. The trees to be planted in the degraded area will be determined by assessing the species diversity in reference site.

Monitoring and evaluation of the project:

The decrease on the forest degradation over time will be monitored. This will be measured in terms of reduced logging, lumbering and encroachment rate.

The pre and post training questionnaires will be used to compare the impact of training to these communities in the understanding of conservation, beekeeping, marketing of bee products and general altitude of people on the forest, the status of the forest in terms of number of tree increases over time also will be assessed.

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