Preserve Islands for Birds – Study and Conservation Water Birds and their Habitats in Caspian Sea Islands

25 Feb 2008 Daghestan, Russia, Asia Birds

Gadzhibek Dzhamirzoev

The project is aimed at making favourable condition for long-term conservation of birds and their habitats at small islands near western coast of Caspian Sea (island “Chechen” and island “Tjulenij”).

Caspian Sea is the biggest isolated water body on the Earth, with great variety of coast ecosystems and wetlands. The distribution and flyways of many rare waterbird species from Europe are related to Caspian Sea basin and its islands. Recently many breeding and migration grounds of birds are under threat of transformation or destruction. In future the development and exploitation of oil fields could result in new threats for birds on islands.

In these conditions the investigation and development of action plans for conservation of waterbirds and their habitats at Caspian sea islands, determination of status “Important bird Area” for this islands, preparation of ornithological backgrounds for new protected areas and increasing of ecological importance has great importance. Two islands: Tjulenij and Chechen are in the focus of the project.

We plan to arrange several expeditions to these islands in different seasons to study bird migration routs and colonial breeding grounds. The main attention will be given to contacts with local people including ecological education, training of land-users in studying and protection of birds. Several excursions will be organised for children. Photo and video materials will be collecting during studying period of the project will be used for preparation of colourful posters and video about birds of islands and problems of nature protection. Description of “Important bird Areas” and Action plans for bird habitats protection will be prepared for both islands. In addition ornithological description and backgrounds for establishing of new protected areas will be prepared for local Governmental nature protection organisations.

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