Assessment and Promotion of Biodiversity Values of Three Karst Poljes in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)

Ena Hatibovic

The aim of the project is to get basic population estimates for the selected species on Kupreško, Glamočko and Duvanjsko polje. As they are rare, specific and still well preserved ecosystems in the world they should be researched. They have a big biodiversity potential and need to acquire a status of protected areas. All of karst poljes from western Bosnia seem to fulfil the criteria to become IBA (Important Bird Areas).

Duvanjsko polje. ©Ena Simic.

Duvanjsko polje. ©Ena Simic.

In BiH karst poljes are biodiversity hotspots. The aim is to make a preliminary biodiversity assessment about populations of key bird species on three karst poljes in western Bosnia: Kupreško, Glamočko and Duvanjsko polje.

Kupresko polje.

Kupresko polje.

The goal is to raise the awareness of the need for conservation of karst poljes, specific and rare habitats in the world. The mentioned poljes are poorly researched, but their biodiversity potential is big. They should and could be protected as unique key biodiversity areas.

Problems for researchers of karst poljes in BiH are mine fields remaining from the last war in the country.

The aim is to get basic population estimates for the selected species on Kupreško, Glamočko and Duvanjsko polje.During the preliminary three-day visit to the area of interest in November 2010 interesting species have been recorded: Long-legged Buzzard, Peregrine Falcon, Hen Harrier, Common crane all listed in the ANNEX I of the Birds Directive.

Cranes on Glamočko and Kupreško polje were registered. From published and unpublished data it is known that Cranes are spotted every year on regular basis in these areas. It is obviously an important resting point. Cranes are good biodiversity indicators. They are big birds easy to spot and as such charismatic enough to attract attention of wider public.

The idea is to follow the migration of Cranes in collaboration with local authorities, hunters and environmental NGOs and schools to raise the awareness about nature protection. The aim is to build a database of Crane migration in the area. With education of the local public it is possible to obtain usable data about Crane migration.

There are sightings of Roller on Duvanjsko polje. It is SPEC 1, Annex I, Near Threatened species. If we prove these areas are its breeding sites it will be of great importance for the conservation and protection of the very areas.

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