Conservation of Corncrakes During Autumn Migration in Southern Ukraine. The Plain Crimea

23 Sep 2011 Crimea Republic, Ukraine, Europe Birds

Andrey Atemasov

Other projects

7 Jul 2009

Conservation of Corncrakes During Autumn Migration in Southern Ukraine

The aim of the project is to inventory key stopover sites and identify key threats for migrating Corncrakes in the plain part of Crimean peninsula during autumn migration. To develop urgent measures for protection of migrating Corncrakes.

Corncrake ringing.

Corncrake ringing.

The Corncrake (Crex crex) is a globally threatened species, classified as Near Threatened by BirdLife International (2004) and as SPEC-1 species at the European level (2004). Territory of Ukraine is of great importance for migrating Corncrakes. The majority of Corncrakes nesting in European part of Russia migrates through the territory of Ukraine.



It was discovered during previous project implementation that in autumn Corncrakes migrate along the whole stretch of the coast of Black and Azov seas within the territory of Ukraine. Large migratory gatherings of Corncrakes are known in the mountains at the southern coast of Crimean peninsula. But the rest of territory of Crimean peninsula isn’t explored. Possibly some stopover sites important for migrating Corncrakes remained unrevealed. Hunting is the main factor of threat for Corncrakes during autumn migration. But bearing in mind that not all suitable stopover sites were surveyed it’s possible that some underestimated factors of threat exist.

The project initial plan provided for inventory of key stopover sites for migrating Corncrakes in the plain part of the Crimean peninsula and in the part of the southern regions of Ukraine which were investigated insufficiently during previous project implementation. We plan to get estimates of migration intensity at each stopover site by means of applying several methods of bird counts. It is planned to identify key threats for Corncrakes in the plain part of Crimean peninsula during autumn migration and to try to estimate losses of birds from illegal hunting. We plan to develop urgent measures for protection of migrating Corncrakes at key stopover sites in Crimea. These measures will contribute to lessening of mortality of birds during autumn migration. Expansion of public awareness campaign launched during previous project in Southern Ukraine to the territory of Crimea is planned.

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