Participatory Environmental Management on Conservation of Special Bird’s Protection Areas in Iron Gates Natural Park – Romania

20 Jul 2005 Iron Gates Natural Park, Romania, Europe Birds | Habitats

Cristian Tetelea

The project goal is to conserve and manage the most important Special Bird’s Protection Areas within the Park

C.Tetelea bird watching in the observatory.

C.Tetelea bird watching in the observatory.

On November 2004 many wetlands where declared Special Bird’s Protection Areas (SPA’s) in Romania without knowing the functions of these ecosystems and the socio-economical impact for the local inhabitants. This deficiency in the conservation actions can lead to the impossibility of efficient implementation of conservation measures for the wetlands habitats and protected birds existing here.


The project goal is to conserve and manage the most important Special Bird’s Protection Areas within the Iron Gates Natural Park and bird’s species existing here (with special regard on Botaurus stellaris, Phalacrocorax pygmaeus, Aythya nyroca, Egretta garzetta, Nycticorax nycticorax, Anser erythropus) by assessing the wetlands’ ecological functions, inventory of bird species and habitats and elaboration of coherent conservation measures. Based on participatory environmental management of local people and enhanced awareness campaign, the institutional measures to promote wise use of wetlands resources will be established for 2148,29 ha and the effective conservation of the special birds’ areas will be long-term assured.

Getting to know the wetlands’ ecological functions, and conducting inventory and monitoring actions for the birds populations, will allow us to elaborate a coherent conservation measures package. Conservation measures are needed to ensure the protection status for the bird species and wetland habitats, as it is foreseen for the SPA regime. Enhancing environmental awareness in the community will be done by realizing and printing lesson plans, data sets, and images about water, wetlands and birds’ life. Three information panels will be putted on the sites to help protecting the SPA’s and elevate responsiveness through tourists.

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