Identification of Conservation Status of Ground-Beetles of Procerus Species-Complex (Carabidae, Carabus) in Armenia and Elaboration of Protection Measures

28 Mar 2018 Tavush Provence, Armenia, Europe Biodiversity | Invertebrates

Tigran Ghrejyan

The project is aimed to the study and red-listing of the taxa of Procerus –beautiful and, in other hand, most vulnerable beetles of the family Carabidae presented in Armenia by several taxa of specific and subspecific level, and elaboration of their protection measures. It is supposed to distinguish subordinate taxa of Procerus in the country, to reveal current distributional data, data on abundance of each taxon, conditions of containing habitats, existing threats, etc., for further estimation of their conservation status, elaboration and submission recommendations on conservation measures for Armenian Procerus taxa to stakeholders.

Procerus caucasicus nakagomei.

Procerus caucasicus nakagomei.

The project is dedicated to Armenian taxa of ground-beetles of Procerus (Carabidae). Representatives of Procerus are among the most beautiful and vulnerable wingless and narrowly distributed beetles of Carabidae, presented in the country by several taxa of specific and subspecific level. Till now only sole taxon from Armenian fauna (Procerus scabrosus fallettianus) was estimated and included into the Red Book of the Republic of Armenia. But currently it is clear that estimation was made for complex of taxa and surveys must be remade for assessment of each subordinate taxon of Procerus from the area in Southern Armenia previously referred to P. s. fallettianus (namely P. caucasicus miskai and P. c. nakagomai). Besides, special research and assessment need Procerus taxa from Northern Armenia with three forms reported (P. caucasicus colchicus, P. c. antonkozlovi and P. c. tatyanagorokhovae).

Procerus caucasicus myskai.

Procerus caucasicus myskai.

Thus, it is supposed to carry out wide-scale expedition and laboratory work for distinguishing of Armenian taxa of Procerus, revealing current distributional data, data on abundance of each taxon and on conditions of containing habitats, existing threats, etc. On the basis of the data obtained it will be carried out estimation of conservation status of each taxon using IUCN Red List Criteria and Guidelines for further inclusion of Procerus taxa from Armenia into National Red Book and IUCN Red List. Draft Action Plans for each taxon, recommendations on conservation measures including proposals of creation of new appropriate PAs will be elaborated and submitted to stakeholders.

Special attention will be paid to public awareness issues, which includes meetings and discussions with authorities at the levels of Republic, provincial governments, local communities, with PAs staff, NGOs, etc. as well as educational activities – lectures in schools, dissemination of educational and information materials (booklets, calendars, etc.).

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