The In-Situ and Ex-Situ Conservation Measures for the Endemic Lizards Eremias arguta transcaucasica

14 May 2015 Gegharkunik, Armenia, Asia Reptiles

Marine Arakelyan

Other projects

21 Aug 2008

Conservation of the Last Surviving Lizard Population in the Caucasus – The Racerunner Eremias arguta transcaucasica in Armenia

14 Jun 2011

Development and Implementation of Conservation Measures for an Unique Lizard Population: The Racerunner Eremias arguta transcaucasica in Armenia

The project aim is in-situ and ex-situ conservation in the complex with scientific monitoring and raising public awareness for protection of last population of steppe-runners in Armenia.

Eremias arguta, 2015.

Eremias arguta, 2015.

The implementation of both ex-situ and in-situ conservation programs have to prevent the extinction of endangered endemic subspecies Eremias arguta transcaucasica surviving only in one location on shores of Lake Sevan in Armenia. Currently, when habitats of many Armenian species of reptiles are under severe pressure, it is necessary to develop unique strategy for their conservation breeding. This should be done jointly with protection and restoration of their natural habitat in order to save species in the wild. Also important part of the work will be implementation of education program to raise awareness amongst the general public and key target groups such as farmers, landowners in area of species distribution.

The following activities will be implemented in complex:

- Monitoring survey of current distribution and abundance of lizards,

- Survey of Normative-Legal Framework for creation of Special Protected Area,

- The short distance translocation,

- Restoration of habitat in place where it is possible to set the Special Protected Area, Organizing and legalization of special protected area,

- Launch an ex-situ conservation program,

- Conduct conservation awareness program among schoolchildren,

- Fundraising for wildlife,

- Production a short-length documentary film about rare lizards in Armenia with message of their protection

- Publication of reports and a scientific article

In this project we are going to reveal in-situ conservation of the last population of E. arguta transcaucasica as result of monitoring, translocation and habitat restoration as well as establishment wildlife sanctuary in site of distribution of lizard. Because of the high risk of loss of last surviving population of E. arguta the implementation of captive breeding program is urgently need. The basic laboratory facilities where pregnant females will give birth and females and juveniles later to be returned to nature will support the ex-situ conservation of rare species of lizards. The involving students in implementation of activities of project will encourage the education and practice skills in field of conservation of wildlife populations. In framework of raising public awareness and implementation of environmental educational programs among locals we plan lectures and group discussions, production of wall broadsheets about endemic lizards, conduct competition of protection of wildlife among schoolchildren, dissemination of promotion materials and fundraising program as well as film production about rare lizards of Armenia and ways of their protection. Ongoing measures for this project will fundamental for conservation programs of endangered species of reptiles of Armenia.

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