Research on a Condition of Populations of Geese and Brents during Migration and Nesting in the Conditions of the North Kazakhstan Area

Ivan Zuban

Other projects

18 Jul 2018

Studying Rare and Hunting Species of Geese and Branta in the North of Kazakhstan and Creation of Monitoring System and Set of Actions for their Protection

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Assessment of the Risks of Red-Breasted Goose Death from Illegal Hunting on Migration Routes in Kazakhstan and Other Countries

The basic purposes of the project are:

1. to examine the current situation, regarding grey goose nesting population on the territory of North Kazakhstan region;

2. to conduct monitoring the number of migrating geese and brants (Anser albifrons, Anser fabalis, Anser erythropus and Branta ruficollis) through the territory of North Kazakhstan region during spring and fall periods.


The project is directed on research of a condition of populations of geese and brents on reservoirs of the North Kazakhstan area. The designed territory is part of the Siberian Kazakhstan Black Sea and Mediterranean flyway where in a large number globally threatened and hunting species of geese and brents concentrate. Holding field researches will allow to estimate their number, trivial and age structure, and also level of influence of negative factors. During implementation of the project it is planned to carry out an assessment of number of nested population of a gray goose to study features of nested biology.

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