Elaboration of In-Situ and Ex-Situ Conservation Measures for Two Red-Listed Species of Armenian Amphibians (Ommatotriton ophryticus and Pelobates syriacus)

16 Jun 2016 Vayots Dzor, Armenia, Europe Amphibians | People

Ilona Stepanyan

Other projects

2 Sep 2013

Current Protection Status of Armenian Amphibians and Elaboration of Measures of their Conservation Including Public Awareness Raising

1) Elaboration and implementation of in-situ conservation measures of Ommatotriton ophryticus (estimated as CR in the Red Book of Armenia) and Pelobates syriacus (estimated as VU in the Red Book of Armenia) including public awareness rising

2) Adaptation to our conditions and implementation of methods of ex-situ breeding of species above mentioned for future reintroduction into undisturbed habitats



Among 7 species of amphibians of Armenia two are included into the country’s Red Book. These are newt Ommatotriton ophryticus (estimated as CR) and spadefoot toad Pelobates syriacus (VU). In the framework of the previous Project (RSG ID: 13769-1) current distribution of both species and estimation of conditions of their populations and habitats were specified. It was shown that newt is presented by few populations in Lori province, magnitude of populations is critically low and habitats are more or less degraded. Spadefoot toad has mosaic distribution in Central and Southern Armenia; its habitats are mainly surrounded by agricultural landscapes and situated under hard anthropogenic pressure, particularly pollution. Magnitude of populations is estimated as low as well. No protection measures are applied for both species and no habitats are presented in the existing Protected Areas.

Thus, elaboration and implementation of conservation measures of both endangered species is quit necessary.

The Project is supposing following activities:

1. Control of the actual condition of known populations and habitats of target species;

2. Revealing of habitats suitable for the species survival, but not inhabited yet;

3. Collecting as much as possible individuals of newt from populations living in inauspicious habitats and re-placing them into comfortable habitats newly revealed;

4. Looking for the new populations, using in particular folk information with following checking of localities and census of populations revealed using standard methods;

5. Adaptation to our conditions methodology of breeding of newt and spadefoot toad in ex-situ conditions including: creation of sustainable laboratory populations of both species, and implementation of pilot experiments of re-introduction and introduction of target species from laboratory’ population to the habitats suitable for both species survival but not inhabited yet.

Meaning public relations issues, it is supposed elaboration and submission to the stakeholders, including Ministry of Nature Protection of RA draft recommendations for conservation of Ommatotriton ophryticus and Pelobates syriacus in Armenia, including planning of new EPNA-s. Besides, public awareness rising issues will include the involvement of local communities’ members especially of young generation into implementation of conservation measures of red-listed amphibian species. These activities will be supported by publication and dissemination of information and didactic materials. In the framework of the Project young specialists will be trained both in field and laboratory works as well as in public awareness activity.

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