Research of the Nesting Bird Populations in High Mountain Ecosystems of Mt. Bjelasnica and Mt. Igman, with Review of the Species' Conservation Status

13 Jun 2013 Mt. Bjelasnica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe Birds

Dubravko Dender

The main aim of this project is to collect data on distribution and ecology of the nesting populations of birds at Mt. Bjelasnica and Mt. Igman, as well as to inform the public and academic community on the mountains as an important habitat for birds.


Most of BiH is comprised of highland area. Mt. Bjelasnica and Mt. Igman in the central part of the country together form one of the highest mountain ranges in BiH, with its highest peak at 2,068 meters.

Its geographical position is such that southern slopes are under influence of the sub-mediterranean climate, while continental climate prevails on its northern side. This potentially has huge impact on the number of bird species nesting in the area. In addition, such specific climate features make these two mountains excellent indicators of the state of ornithofauna in the mountainous areas of BiH.

Mountains are the most preserved ecosystems in BiH, but largely remain without protection status. It is urgent to start with the research that will help establish protection over these areas. In the neighbouring Croatia and Serbia, almost all mountainous areas are under some type of protection and included on the IBA list. In BiH only four locations got IBA status and none of them are in the mountainous areas. The main reason for this is lack of research and consequently lack of data. Potential of mountainous areas as IBA and protected areas is huge and should be researched.

The goal of the project is to initiate systematic data collection on ornithofauna in the BiH mountains. Field research will provide data about how many bird species nests in Mt. Bjelasnica and Mt. Igman. It will also ensure data on their distribution and numbers, as well identify threats. In view of experiences from the neighbouring countries, it is likely that all mountain areas in BiH can meet criteria for IBA categorisation and should be protected by state laws. This will be made possible by gathered data. Several different activities will address wider and expert public. Mt. Bjelasnica and Mt. Igman will be presented as important bird habitats, in particular for those species under direct threat of activities by certain target groups of people.

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