Conservation of Great Bustard and its Last Breeding Site in Serbia: Enhancing Monitoring and Capacity Building

16 Jul 2015 Sajan, Serbia, Europe Birds

David Grabovac

Other projects

26 Apr 2012

Conservation of Great Bustard (Otis tarda) on its Last Breeding Site in Serbia

Conservation and habitat empowerments of Great Bustard (Otis tarda) on its last breeding site in Serbia.


Great Bustard is a globally endangered species with a declining population trend. Special Nature Reserve „Pastures of Great Bustard“was formed to protect its last remaining population in Serbia. Estimations from 2011 state that this population consists of 20-30 birds, however we recorded only 14. Predation, nest destruction and habitat degradation were identified as the biggest threats to the species. For the continuation of this project we plan to establish regular monitoring, organize bird watching fieldtrips and a research expedition for data collection and popularization of the reserve, continue with education, promotion and mitigation of harmful activities from agriculture and hunting.

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