
197 projects

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Donfack Fouego Ruth Charline 31 May 2024

Assessment of the remaining population of dwarf elephants in the Santchou wildlife reserve, West Cameroon


Christian Landry Djuideu Tchouamou 31 May 2024

Assessing niche overlap and food competition between giant pangolin and aardvark to improve conservation actions in the Mpem and Djim National Park of Cameroon

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Mouanfon Njiaghait Zouberou 24 May 2024

Conservation of rangelands in Sudano-Guinean agroecological zone of Cameroon and its macrofungi diversity

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Franclin Kuate Simo 12 Mar 2024

Conservation of Threatened New Species of Louisea from Cameroon, Based on Long-Term Studies of its Population Structure and Reproduction Biology

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Ghislain Difouo Fopa 22 Feb 2024

Enhancing Pangolins’ Conservation in the Southern Cameroon Plateau: Population Status, and Community-Based Actions to Mitigating Threats


Mouliom Zouléatou Apouagouo 9 Feb 2024

Status and Conservation Challenges of the Common Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius Linnaeus 1758) in Bénoué National Park, North Cameroon

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Benedicta Ngwuh Ninying 24 Jan 2024

Conservation Implication of Movement Ecology, Seed Dispersal Pattern and Community Engagement of African Grey Parrots in the Lobéké National Park

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Alain Simeu Noutchom 17 Jan 2024

Distribution, Bioecology, and Threats of Katydid Species in Mpem & Djim National Park, Cameroon


Dieudonne Wongibe Poupezo 12 Jan 2024

Investigating Fishing Practices, Bycatch, and Health-Risk Impact of Pollutants on Sharks along the Cameroon Coastline

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Franck Patherson Meyo Okono 12 Jan 2024

Effects of Habitat Disturbances on Bat Communities (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in and around the Campo-Ma'an National Park (South Cameroon)

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Adrian Odi Eban-Odi 10 Jan 2024

Enhancing the Conservation of Chimpanzees and Other Wildlife Species in the Somié Landscape, Cameroon

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Geraud Canis Tasse Taboue 10 Jan 2024

Upgrading Conservation Efforts in Cameroon toward the Largest Living Frog: the Goliath Frog

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Aristide Takoukam Kamla 17 Nov 2023

Effective involvement of Local Fishermen in the Conservation of Sea Turtles Along the Northern Coastline of Cameroon

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Arnaud Marius Tchassem Fokoua 18 Oct 2023

Improving Community Engagement for the Restoration of Degraded Habitats of the Endemic and Highly Threatened Amphibians in Mount Bamboutos, Cameroon

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Branly Calicles Ntene Soh 7 Sep 2023

Enhance Conservation Efforts for Amphibians (Endemic) on the Mount Tchabal Mbabo a Key Biodiversity Area in Cameroon

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Lionel Ebong Esong 16 Aug 2023

Supporting Biomonitoring and Anthropogenic Threat Suppression for Long-Term Protection of Pangolins in the Deng-Deng National Park

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Angwa Gwendoline 21 Jun 2023

Improving Community Participation in the Conservation of Great Apes and Other Wildlife Species in the Deng Deng National Park, East Region Cameroon

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Gertruide Dalila Massoh 12 Jun 2023

Distribution, Habitat Use and Population Status of African Wild Dog in the Tchabal Mbabo Mountain Range, Adamawa Region, Cameroon

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Hubert Mounmemi Kpoumie 30 May 2023

Inventory of Cultural Practices and Local Management Strategies Contributing to the Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Sacred Forests of Bayangam, Cameroon

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Estherbel Bih Neba 26 May 2023

Acoustic Monitoring in the Yoko Landscape to Determine Chimpanzee Status

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Cédric Chimi Djomo 26 May 2023

In-Situ Conservation of Two Highly Solicited and Threatened Sapotaceae Species through a Community-Based Reforestation Program in Eastern Cameroon's Doumaintang

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Aicha Gomeh-Djame 24 May 2023

Assessing Lobéké National Park as an Area of Importance for African Bat Conservation

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Chefor Fotang 26 Apr 2023

Strengthening Chimpanzee Conservation in Kom–Wum Forest Reserve, Cameroon, through Law Enforcement, Livelihood Improvement, and Conservation Education

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Yves Komo Mbarga 19 Apr 2023

Assessing the Population Status and Promoting the Conservation of the Vulnerable African Ebony Tree Diospyros crassiflora Hiern (Ebenaceae) in the Campo-Ma'an National Park (South Region, Cameroon)

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Ulrich Sidoine Wuibe Woubassi 17 Feb 2023

On the Poorly Known Millipedes from the Protected Bouda Ndjida National Park (Northern Cameroon) with Implications for Conservation