
448 projects


Deogratias Gervas Katwana 31 May 2024

Moving from lethal control to coexistence through Socio-ecological approaches; Enhancing human-carnivore coexistence in the Selous-Nyerere Ecosystem (SNE) - South-eastern Tanzania.

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Tony Muisyo Wambua 30 Apr 2024

Promoting Conservation of Endangered Mt Uarges Guereza Percivali through Community Education and Awareness in Samburu County, Kenya

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Isis Agostina Danae Ibanez 26 Apr 2024

Basis for Conserving the Santa Fe Frog (Leptodactylus Laticeps) in the South American Great Chaco

Sri Lanka

Anuradhi Dulangi Jayasinghe 26 Apr 2024

Mainstreaming human-wildlife coexistence in conservation science, policy, and practice.

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Nicolás Fuentes-Allende 25 Apr 2024

Effect of seasonal humidity on crop damage and interspecific interactions between wild and domestic large herbivores in the rural areas of the Atacama Desert

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Vidyaman Thapa 1 Apr 2024

Promoting Community Based Conservation Efforts in Lower Humla, Nepal

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Shreya Ray 28 Mar 2024

Foster conservation of threatened mammals through community engagement in the hills of Northern West Bengal, India

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Côte d'Ivoire

Gnako Lionel Fares Gohore 15 Mar 2024

Influence of Climate Variability and Human Activities on the Common Hippopotamus Distribution in the Comoe National Park

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M. Lucía Bocelli 12 Mar 2024

Urban Forests as a Support for Biodiversity in the Southern Andes

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Elín Avellá Machado 1 Mar 2024

Carnivores vs Residents: Estimation of Frequency of Puma (Puma concolor) Predation Events on Livestock in the Most Productive Area of San Juan, Argentina


Ashraf Shaikh 27 Feb 2024

Identifying Ecological and Anthropogenic Factors Influencing Tiger Attacks on Humans in the Tiger Conservation Landscape of Chandrapur

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Valentín Zárate 27 Feb 2024

Understanding Capuchin Bark Stripping Behaviour: from Conflict to Primate-Friendly Forestry

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Lucas Mendes Barreto 23 Feb 2024

Saving Giant Armadillos from Extinction in the Atlantic Forest

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Côte d'Ivoire

Mian Pascal Brou 23 Feb 2024

Behavioural Ecology of the Common Hippopotamus, amphibius linnaeus, 1758 and Risk Factors for Human-Hippopotamus Conflict in Central Côte d'Ivoire


Simbarashe Pride Chatikobo 21 Feb 2024

Protecting Lions and Livelihoods: Using Visual Deterrents to Reduce Livestock Depredation by Large Carnivores

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Jayaram Neupane 9 Feb 2024

Spatial and Temporal wildlife roadKill pattern in East-West Highway, Parsa National Park Nepal

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Aibat Muzbay 6 Feb 2024

Research on Vegetation Composition and Biomass Production in the Ural (Kazakhstan) Steppe Ecosystem for the Solution of Human-Wildlife Conflict


Ashni Dhawale 1 Feb 2024

Impact of Monkey-Proofing on Human-Macaque Conflict: Conservation of the Endangered Lion-Tailed Macaque in the Southern Western Ghats, India


Frank Celestin Dushimimana 24 Jan 2024

Saving Volcanoes National Park’s Wildlife from the Silent Killers (Wire Snares) through Conservation Education, Outreach and Community Livelihood Improvement

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Ramiro de Jesús Arcos-Aguilar 24 Jan 2024

Enhancing Surveillance in the Gulf of California: Uncovering Ecological Indicators Driving Illegal Fishing


John Erasto Sanare 19 Jan 2024

Exploring Human-Elephant Coexistence: Testing a Conflict Mitigation Tool for Elephant in Enduimet Wildlife Management Area, West Kilimanjaro

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Cristian Poveda 16 Jan 2024

Investigating the Impact and Methods of Control of the Smooth-Billed Ani, an Invasive Bird in Galapagos

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Lucía Belén Zamora-Nasca 4 Jan 2024

Domestic Dog Interactions with Wildlife in Protected Areas of Argentina

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Jintu S Vijayan 4 Jan 2024

Seasonal Trends of Rock Bees in South Karnataka: The Impact of Resource Availability and Management Practices Along a Forest-Agriculture-Urban Gradient

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Ángeles Fiorella Raffo 3 Jan 2024

Ecological Restoration of Chaco Serrano Forest Invaded by Ligustrum lucidum (Glossy Privet) in Central Argentina