Bosnia and Herzegovina October 2020

9-11 October 2020

Grant Recipients Conference, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2020

The Rufford Small Grants Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina, "Balkan and East 2020" was successfully held on 10th October, 2020 in Sarajevo. This is one of many RSG conferences held all over the world with the main reason to share our experience during the projects and to connect RSG winners. In the year 2020, Sarajevo was host of four countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, Iran and Georgia) with 22 researchers participating in the Rufford Small Grants Conference.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, we were prevented from organising this conference in Beypazari - Ankara, Turkey where all participants would have been presenting their projects live. This half-live and half-online conference was a good back-up plan where participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina were presenting their projects live in the conference room and other presenters (from Turkey, Iran and Georgia) were presenting their projects via Zoom application in the comfort of their own home/workplace.




B and H Conference Report 2020