Fire Landscapes in Calakmul, Mexico: Examining the Link between Institutions and Escaped Fires

Claudia Monzon Alvarado

This research examines the institutions for fire management in Calakmul, Mexico; specifically how these are followed, transformed or resisted locally, leading to varying levels of forest fires.

Bad burn – scorched – additional labour.

Bad burn – scorched – additional labour.

Forest fires in tropical forests are associated with anthropogenic disturbance from escaped agricultural burnings. Beyond studying the impacts of fire in the ecosystem, this research examines the institutions for fire management in Calakmul, Mexico; specifically how these are followed, transformed or resisted locally, leading to varying levels of forest fires. I will employ remote-sensing, geographic information systems and participatory mapping to identify forest fires. Their occurrence and fire management institutions will be examined through interviews, focus groups, and participant observation. Understanding the link between institutions, fire use and forest fires can lead to better policies to enhance ecosystem conservation.

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