Conservation of Endemic Malagasy Trident-Nosed Bats

19 Jul 2005 Tsingy De Bemaraha National Park, Madagascar, Africa Bats | Mammals

Amyot Kofoky

Other projects

14 Apr 2003

Cave-Roosting Bats, Madagascar

The project aims to assess the conservation status and forest dependency of two specieis of Malagasy trident-nosed bats (Triaenops. spp).


Both species I am studying are endemic and roost in caves, but little data is available about their foraging habit requirements. Triaenops furculus (IUCN vulnerable) is less common than T.rufus and I will investigate if this is because of different habitat requirements.

The results of this study will be incorporated into the conservation management of two important cave reserves and will lead to the production of species action plans.

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