Building a Web Based Information Center to Share Information and Experience Among Coral Reef Practitioners: Towards Better Management of Coral Reef in Indonesia

29 Jul 2008 Bogor, Indonesia, Asia Corals | Marine

Yudi Herdiana

The aim of this project is to provide web based media for coral reef practitioners in Indonesia to share information and experiences and as a learning centre.


This project will develop web based media as a learning centre to share information and experiences among coral reef practitioners in Indonesia.


The website will have three major components, as follows:


1. Information sharing and outreach. A blog type media to share information and experience based on survey, research, or even a dive trip by reef practitioners and individual divers/dive operators. To support this, the project will develop a simple methodology of visual assessment of coral reef condition (e.g. percentage live coral, coral damages, coral bleaching, crown of thorn starfish) in order to standardise practice and raise awareness and participation from coral reef practitioners. Information of coral reef condition from particular locations also will be displayed spatially in the website using the google map. Website will also provide specific and unique information of dive sites from dive operators and individual divers; this information will also help promote Indonesian diving tourism;

2. Education and awareness. Website will provide online education and awareness materials for individual or tourism divers, students and the public of how they can participate to save the coral reefs;

3. Data and information centre. (Survey and project reports, e-book, survey manual, guideline, scientific papers, etc..

Project will be conducted through the following steps:

- Develop website of the information centre;

- Develop simple methodology for visual coral reef assessment. Parameters included in the methodology are: percentage of live coral, coral damage, coral bleaching, level of abundance of coral eating ‘crown of thorn’ starfish, charismatic marine animal (napoleon wrasse, grouper, turtle), water condition, and anthropogenic threats (destructive fishing);

- Produce promotion tools (poster, leaflet and field guide for coral reef assessment);

- Promote the website and spread the idea of this project to coral reef practitioners. The targeted audience are: NGOs, coral reef scientists, university, government agency, and dive operators/clubs;

- Website management - Data and information management in the website and website maintenance will be conducted until the end of project.

Expected outcome from this project are:

- Raised willingness among reef practitioners in Indonesia to share data and information related to coral reef conservation;

- Increased involvement from non-scientific group in coral reef conservation;

- Data and information sharing among practitioners through the website

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