"Siloy Project” Phase 3: Strengthening Community-Based Biodiversity Conservation in Selected Forest Sites of Cebu, Philippines

12 Jul 2007 Cebu Island, Philippines, Asia Birds | Forests

Philip Godfrey Jakosalem

Other projects

8 Dec 2003

Threatened Species in Cebu, Philippines

This project aims to implement biodiversity conservation programmes by engaging local government units and people’s organizations in the towns of Alcoy and Dalaguete to conserve the largest natural forest habitat in Cebu Island, Philippines.

Everett’s White-eye (Zosterops everetti) one of the subspecies endemic in Cebu and netted one individual in Boljoon. © Godfrey Jakosalem

Everett’s White-eye (Zosterops everetti) one of the subspecies endemic in Cebu and netted one individual in Boljoon. © Godfrey Jakosalem

The Siloy (Black Shama) Project started when the team received a grant from Rufford Small Grant programme in 2003 for the project “Community based Biodiversity Conservation Initiatives in Southern Cebu”. The project contributed to the successful protection and conservation of the forest and endemic wildlife in the largest forest of Cebu Island. This was made possible through the support gained from the partnership established with the Local Government of Alcoy and Dalaguete where legislative and financial assistance were provided to the project.

Lesser Bamboo Bat (Tylonycteris pachypus) A new island species for Cebu. © Godfrey Jakosalem

Lesser Bamboo Bat (Tylonycteris pachypus) A new island species for Cebu. © Godfrey Jakosalem

The second phase of the project will continue to conduct ecological research on threatened endemic birds of Cebu. Together with the key persons from the local government and Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), enhancement training on wildlife monitoring will be provided to the local forest guards regularly patrolling the forest, biology and forestry students as well as research faculties from different colleges and universities in Cebu. The trained local volunteers from the first project will be tapped to assist and facilitate in the training.

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