The Vulnerable White–Thighed Black and White Colobus (Colobus vellerosus): Re-Assessment for its Conservation Status and Factors Threaten its Population in Benin

31 Jul 2009 23 Various Forests, Benin, Africa Mammals | Primates

Olawole Serge Oke

This study will fill up the lacks of data on Colobus vellerosus actual population and update factors of threats and contribute to the reassessment of its status, in Benin.

Forest secret pathfoot with our former hunter.

Forest secret pathfoot with our former hunter.

To classify Colobus vellerosus as vulnerable (VU – A1c + 2c) in the IUCN red list, main information comes from studies done in Nigeria and Ghana used as benchmark. As many primates, the Colobus vellerosus in Benin is threatened. However, it does not have attention relative to research or conservation; and its status can be endangered or critically endangered (instead of vulnerable). The actual condition of main ecosystems, threats hard on primates and other factors urge us to conduct this work, to evaluate the degree of threats and the real population of the species.

Black and White Colobus.

Black and White Colobus.

We will do a previous investigation from the north to the south Benin, in 23 classified forests and other ecosystems (characterize as its natural habitat in scientific records) and next to local communities surrounding these areas, to know existence of records on primates in general.

Data collected, will allow us to define, real areas that will be inventoried among sites investigated.

Our main tasks will allow:

 Inventory of Colobus vellerosus’ population in all its natural habitat ;

 Analyse the following criteria: reduction in population size; reduction in geographic range;

 Bring up to date, all factors threaten Colobus vellerosus populations’ in Benin;

 Make a quantitative analysis showing a high risk of extinction at wild state.

Our results can allow a possible reassessment of the species. Because of lack data actually, this study can be considered as a great data collected to make possible to other researchers, scientists to work on another topics on the same species: conservation, restoration of habitats, education of local communities surrounding natural habitats of the species, etc.

Update factors as threats for Colobus v. population, will allow regional authorities, those in charge of the ministry of environment to increase protection of primates in general, this species especially.

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