Native Forests, Wildlife and Water in Central Argentina: Fostering Public Ecological Understanding and Forest Restoration I

4 Jun 2009 Mountains of Central Argentina, Argentina, Central and Latin America Forests

Daniel Renison

Other projects

12 Sep 2002

Restoration of Polylepis Mountain Woodlands in the Sierras Grandes of Cordoba, Argentina

14 Dec 2006

Restoration of Polylepis Mountain Woodlands in the High Córdoba Mountains, Argentina

19 May 2011

Native Forests, Wildlife and Water in Central Argentina: Fostering Public Ecological Understanding and Forest Restoration II

We aim to contribute to the restoration of the native mountain forests of Central Argentina, and hence of wildlife, water resources and other valuable ecosystem services.


Present day Mountain forests of Central Argentina represent less than 5 % of their previous extension and in some areas more than 90% of their biomass is composed of exotic invasive species. This has had drastic consequences in our water resources, wildlife, carbon storage and other ecological services. In 1997 I started a restoration project in the extremely degraded high Mountains of central Argentina with friends, volunteers, lots of enthusiasm, almost no experience and very little funding - until my first RSG. After the first 2 RSGs and some local funding, we now have a nice 40 hectare valley and 5 smaller areas to show as examples of what can be done in land and forest restoration (see detail in photo).


This done, we need to foster public ecological understanding and convince politicians to massively invest economic resources in the restoration of our native forests and soils. Thus with my Booster RSG I now propose to foster public ecological understanding through conferences and educational material, organizing a forest workshop with scientists, public and government participation and organizing restoration ecology courses. We also aim to conduct two applied researches with the help of local students and promote volunteer participation in forest restoration, which are ways of getting more people involved in nature conservation. And of course, we need to keep maintaining or first restoration areas (fixing fences and continue to plant vegetation in still active erosion gullies) and trying to find mechanisms to maintain these areas in the longer run.

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