Protecting Sumatran Tiger Habitat in Aceh


Aim of project to visualize the tiger presence, conflict potential and the magnitudes of managing and protecting the habitat, water sources for the human being and the wildlife.


The remaining forest in this area is both inside and outside the protected areas under the management of government management. There are 13 villages in sub-district of Jantho that depend on the water source for the daily use and NTFP (the likes of honey and rattans). Communities around the area keen on protecting the forest them self as the government officer that working in this area are insufficient in numbers. Threats to the biodiversity and the forest is emerged from the road construction plan and province level spatial planning that will alter the land-use some part of the forest become mining and production forest. Decision makers should aware that the alteration of the forest-use will create the problem for the communities and also the biodiversity in the future.


The Jantho forest is mostly consists of savanna and karst type. This area also is also threatened by illegal hunting of that aim for Sambar deer and Muntjak deer that also will affect the availability of tiger preys. Tiger is still appearing at the edge of the forest and potential to create conflict with communities. Visualizing the tiger habituated area and the interaction with human activities are important step to develop the connectivity between human, forest and wildlife chain of life and provide the decision maker enough information to set the proper forest management. Additional information is that the camera trap training for the Jantho Ranger by FFI revealed the species that have not been recorded in Sumatra since 1919, Herpestes semitorquatus.


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