Conservation of a Biodiversity Reservoir of Espinal Forest: A Big Forest Fragment Immersed in a Green Soybean Desert

Mariana Pereyra

The aims of this project are to record the mammal species that inhabit an exceptional area of Espinal forest, to propose the creation of a reserve and to work in educational issues with the local community in order to enhance the value of conservation of this forest relict.

Great antshrike (Taraba major), a bird species characteristic of the forest relict. © Ernesto Verga

Great antshrike (Taraba major), a bird species characteristic of the forest relict. © Ernesto Verga

The present project has as its ultimate objective to initiate actions in order to generate a protected area of an Espinal relict of over 800 ha. It should be noted that this is the largest remaining forest fragment of this phytogeographic region in the centre of the province of Córdoba. Considering the high rates of deforestation in Argentina, our work would have great significance in terms of conservation, especially in this region where most of the forest left is relictual. In this way, we aim to know the diversity of mammals in the area in order to highlight its importance as a refuge for many wild species.

A charismatic mammal (Chaetophractus villosus) inhabiting the forest relict. © Ernesto Verga

A charismatic mammal (Chaetophractus villosus) inhabiting the forest relict. © Ernesto Verga

In addition, in the context of diverse PhDs that have been carried out in this place, in the theoretical framework of habitat fragmentation, we have been able to elaborate lists of ants, birds and plants species; not only for this fragment but also for several smaller fragments in the surroundings. Particularly, due to the high diversity of birds, it has been proposed to constitute this site as an Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs). Moreover, developing a project that converts this place into a protected area would be very significant for the small village located near this relictual forest, not only to enhance the appreciation of the forest but also to possibly generate some economic benefits for the residents through activities related to esthetic and conservation issues. In summary, considering the high rate of forest loss and fragmentation in the province of Córdoba, this project is of great importance for the conservation of the forest for future generations and for socio-cultural issues related to the rural community.

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