Project to Protect and Conserve River Dolphins and their Habitats in Iquitos, the Riverside Capital City of the Peruvian Amazon, by Solinia

Cédric Gilleman

Other projects

20 Jan 2014

Pilot Project: Capacity Building to Protect and Conserve River Dolphins and Habitats in Iquitos, the Riverside Peruvian Amazon City, by 'Solinia' (New NGO)

Education, Communication and Observation Projects to Protect and Conserve River Dolphins and their Habitats in Iquitos, the Riverside Capital City of the Peruvian Amazon.


Amazon habitat degradation near Iquitos is high, and environmental awareness amongst residents is poor. River dolphins face multiple, increasing threats; perhaps the most serious is people’s lack of understanding of the dolphins and the important role they play in Amazon ecosystems. Environmental education and capacity building were central in our pilot project to change people’s behaviour and encourage careful, sustainable management of their natural resources. In Iquitos, Solinia will continue to develop protection and conservation activities, create resources and run education / communication sessions in schools and riverine communities, monitor river dolphins and seek local support to understand and reduce threats.

The academic year in Peru is from March till end of December and conferences are possible mainly during this time except holiday and exam periods. We will restart in April 2015 and try to reach the same number of children as in the previous grant (3000) but with more presence in the riverine communities, not only in the schools located in the city. Concerning the field trips Solinia will use the existing developed field methodologies with the same route described in the first Rufford Small Grant Final Report. We will continue two field trips per week depending on the weather conditions; ideally we should complete a minimum of eight surveys per month. On top we will work with two main tourism associations (Nanay and Boulevard) to develop more river dolphin watching, teaching them basic knowledge about river dolphins’ biology and behaviour and to begin developing a guidance book for a well-managed dolphin watching. An important focus for Solinia this year will be to start collaborating with the new Regional Government, organizing meetings and events. We have to finalize the Action Plan and to keep in regular contact with them to develop a cooperative relationship. Also participation in events such as photographs exhibitions, workshops, and speakers at external conferences. Organisation of special events with external speakers for the Solinia volunteers. Write and contribute to articles in local newspapers and participate in TV interviews.

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